domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

Today is.................Earth Day!!!

What is Earth Day?
Earth Day was started in 1970 by a man named John Mc Connell from the United States. It was originally held on the annual celebration of the March Equinox and still is by many people. However, it is generally celebrated on April 22. Earth day is now celebrated worldwide.

What is the History of Earth Day?
Earth Day is a very special day specifically designed for all of us to think about earth issues. It is a day that the whole world participates in! Often there are celebrations, events or campaigns that concern us with earth matters.

You can participate in one of the existing projects, or start one of your own. The possibilities are endless. Try to think of something you would like to do. You can make a difference too!!  

Now try several exercises online:

Download information and exercises here. Ask your teacher for the answers.

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