martes, 31 de enero de 2012
Revision of the Past Simple (2º ESO)
In order to practise the Past Simple Tense, you have to download this activity, which is a short summary of the well-known story called The little red riding hood
Grammar 1st /2nd ESO
miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012
My summer in London, Dublin, Oxford, Florida, California, New York ! ! !
Learn English abroad next summer
You can travel to Great Britain, Ireland, the United States, Canada, Malta,.....
It would be the summer of your life learning a language, meeting new friends and having a lot of fun!!!
If you are interested, ask for more information to your English teacher or visit
martes, 24 de enero de 2012
Hi guys, sometimes understanding English can be quite difficult for you. So listening activities are extremely important in the learning of this language.
If you are a 1st or 2nd ESO student click on the image below which belongs to the kizclub site and you'll find a great variaty of stories to listen, you can also print the story to understand it better. It’s fantastic!!!!!

If you are a 3rd or 4th ESO student you can visit Randall's Lab (click on the image below) where there are listening tests, audios, videos, etc and later, you can check your answers.
If you are a 1st or 2nd ESO student click on the image below which belongs to the kizclub site and you'll find a great variaty

If you are a 3rd or 4th ESO student you can visit Randall's Lab (click on the image below) where there are listening tests, audios, videos, etc and later, you can check your answers.

I hope you make the most of both...
sábado, 14 de enero de 2012
Differences between British and American English

Oscar Wilde said, “We have really everything in common with America nowadays,
except,of course,the language”.
Hi! Dear pupils, sometimes we have talked about the differences between the British English and the American words. It may be a bit confusing because there is an amazing variety of spelling, meaning, pronunciation, grammmar, punctuation in the English language between British and American speakers. You can even come across some differences in dates and numbers.
British English is the language spoken in the United Kingdom
American English is the language spoken in the United States
Here you come see some example:
Here you come see some example:
In pronunciation, the word tomato is pronounced in BrE /tₔ’mᵅ:tᵊᶸ/ and in AmE /tₔ’mᵉᵢtᵊᶸ/
In meaning, the word mean in BrE is “not generous” and in AmE is “angry”.
In grammar, BrE uses “Have you got a car?" And AmE uses "Do you have a car?
In spelling, in BrE you’ll see “favourite”, “colour” and in AmE you’ll see “favorite” and “color”
In prepositions, in BrE they use “At the weekend” and in AmE they use “On the weend”
In dates, in BrE they say “25 December, 2012” and in AmE they say “December 25, 2012”
In vocabulary, you can see these words:
In British English | In American English |
You have crisps | |
You have chips | |
You have fizzy drinks | |
You take a lift | |
You watch a film | |
You walk on the pavement |
Watch the video below and if you'd like more information, check out this page or visit Woodlands Junior site
Finally you can check if you have learnt the main differences doing activity 1 and activity 2
Finally you can check if you have learnt the main differences doing activity 1 and activity 2
viernes, 13 de enero de 2012
Present Perfect
Hello everyone!
Here we are again to try to improve your English ! here you have some exercises to revise what you should have learned last year. As I told you in class, it is quite important that you learn irregular past participles by heart. You can use an infallible method: take either a pen or a pencil, a piece of paper, a list of irregular verbs and COPY, COPY,COPY until your hand bleeds (just joking!!!), IT DOES WORK!!!!
Click on the links on the worksheet for grammar explanation. Then do the exercises and bring them to class for correction. Also here you have some on line exercises for further practice.
hope you enjoy!
exercise 1
exercise 2
exercise 3
Here we are again to try to improve your English ! here you have some exercises to revise what you should have learned last year. As I told you in class, it is quite important that you learn irregular past participles by heart. You can use an infallible method: take either a pen or a pencil, a piece of paper, a list of irregular verbs and COPY, COPY,COPY until your hand bleeds (just joking!!!), IT DOES WORK!!!!
Click on the links on the worksheet for grammar explanation. Then do the exercises and bring them to class for correction. Also here you have some on line exercises for further practice.
hope you enjoy!
exercise 1
exercise 2
exercise 3
jueves, 12 de enero de 2012
Dates, days, time....
In Unit 4 we are going to study dates, months, years and seasons and consequently, we are going to revise all the prepositions of time. In the following power point you can see and practice everything related to the topic.
You can also do some more activities in this link
Oh! Don't forget that in British English, dates are usually written as given below, using ordinal numbers. In this link you can listen the pronunciation and see the spelling of this type of numbers.
4th October, 2010
Grammar 1st /2nd ESO
miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012
Present Perfect 3rd ESO!
Follow the avatar instructions!!!

2 Present Perfect grammar guide with key. Download here.
Present Perfect timeline |
martes, 3 de enero de 2012
Vocabulary unit 3 (3rd ESO)
In unit 3, we have also talked about environmental problems. Consequently, we are going to introduce some more vocabulary thanks to the following online exercises.
New Year's Resolutions!!
New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year. It's a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make. Did you make New Year's Resolutions? What are they? You can fill in this worksheet to write them down.
You can also download a 2012 calendar here.
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